(с 2006 г.)
Video-EEG polisomnography, video-EEG monitoring, during day and night dream are carried out in the laboratory. Examinations are conducted by the experts having the higher medical education and special training. The doctor of laboratory correctly install the electrodes and the corresponding sensors for polygraphy, controls the carrying out of the inspection, obtain objective data of the clinical record of the patient, test the patient during a paroxysmal state. For completeness of information it is obligatory included to carry out functional (provocative) tests – rhythmic photostimulation, hyperventilation, and if necessary other tests (test with intellectual loading, phonostimulation, etc.).
Interpretation of video-EEG polisomnography, video-EEG monitoring are carried out in common by doctors of laboratory with the head of the laboratory Larisa Glukhova.

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Адрес: г. Москва, Троицк (Новая Москва), ул. Нагорная, д.5; Москва, г. Троицк ул. Нагорная д.8.